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Thursday, August 18, 2011

The truth about alcohol.

Heed my warning.

I was told that due to the nature of my newly redesigned intestines that alcohol consumption could afffect me much quicker.  I've had a few beers and not really noticed a difference, so I felt relatively secure in my ability to "handle my liquor".

Apparently, I was a little over-confident last night.

This picture was taken at about 8:30 pm.  The free beer for ladies didn't even start until 9.  The glassy leer in my eyes was the result of 1 beer (the PBR in front of me) and 1 shot of tequila (came with the PBR).  If only I had stopped there. (And if only I could have known how fat this pose would make me look! LOL)

One shot each of Rumpleminz and Goldschlager and bartender only knows how many free beers later, we head for the door, as partied out as I can ever remember being.  Thinking it had to be at least 1:30 in the morning, I was shocked to check my watch and discover that it was only 11:30.  In 3 short hours I had gone from sane to trashed, rode the happy train to my final destination, and jumped off the party platform into my car where I commenced to pass out next to my wonderfully much smarter (read sober) husband driving me and our friend home. 

Alcohol hits MUCH faster and harder than before surgery.  Much like food, it doesn't take much. Indulge if you will, enjoy the cheap drunk, but stay close to someone who loves you.  I did.


  1. Now that was funny! But as you say... lesson learned! Love ya girl!

  2. Girl you are not supposed to drink beer!! It will stretch your new tummy! I did try it, but it just made me froth at the mouth like i had rabies!! (I puked my guts up too!!) It will hit you much faster, I can tolerate 1 or 2 glasses of wine or a mixed drink. I know we shouldn't have it at all, but I'm not giving up my wine!!
